This is a must read. I already know how harmful our water is here in South Orange County, but was not aware of just how bad it is to our bodies and homes. Click Here for Full Report: The following contaminants were detected above the environmental group’s own recommended health guidelines: Bromodichloromethane Cancer (Potential […]
Tag Archives: brooklyn
I thought this was very interesting. All kinds of beverages are hydrating…Even more than water. However purified water is much better for our bodies with all the contaminants getting in or being put in our drinking water. Click or Copy & paste this link to see article: For the best absortion/hydration, it is best […]
Here is the 2020 water quality reports for San Clemetne, Irvine Ranch & Metropolitan Southern California. Email me at Todd@PacificWaterSolutions and I will be more than happy to email you a copy of the full report in PDF format. Protect yourself, family and home with affordable, quality and efficient systems!