we are a Preferred Pentair Dealer
Better Than Water Delivery--Monthly Unlimited Water Service

Benefits of both systems vs. Water Delivery (Regular RO and Alkaline RO)
- Higher Quality Water Than Bottled/Plastic Containers & Much More Eco Friendly
- Unlimited Purified Water Supply (Use For Everything)
- No Hassle of Delivery Coordination Or Pure Water Sitting In The Sun
- No Heavy Lifting or Have to Carry Upstairs (A 5 gallon Container of Water Weighs About 40 LBS.
- Zero Maintenance (Annual Service & Filter/Membrane Changes Included)
- 5-Stage RO Installed at Kitchen Sink Including Matching Faucet
- Great For Renters! We can move system when you move and plug hole where faucet was or leave faucet for next occupant
- Can Be Hooked Into Hot/Cold Water Dispenser or Fridge **
5-stage Filtration Alkaline Reverse Osmosis
$299 Set-Up Fee
and then $45/month with rate guaranteed for 5 years.
- Some Rules and Restriction Apply.
- 18-month Contract Required.
- After eighteen months you can cancel at any time.
- Rate is Locked in For 5 years and month to month after the 18 month contract. Early termination Is prorated at $25/month.
- Includes annual RO system check and filter/membrane replacements
Regular 5-stage Filtration Reverse Osmosis
$199 Set-Up Fee
and then $35/month with rate guaranteed for 5 years.
- Some Rules and Restriction Apply.
- 18-month Contract Required.
- After eighteen months you can cancel at any time.
- Rate is Locked in For 5 years and month to month after the 18 month contract. Early termination Is prorated at $25/month.
- Includes annual RO system check and filter/membrane replacements
existing Reverse Osmosis customers who own their systems.
Service subscription for $25/month
- Include us coming out 1 time each year to check their RO and change the filters.
**Addition set-up fee of $49-$99 if you want the reverse osmosis system plumbed into your fridge, ice maker or water dispenser. The water line must already be available under the sink.**
Early termination prior to 18 months will be prorated at $25 per month. E.g. Cancel at month 12 you would only pay for last 6 months of contract or 6 x $25 = $150
RO FIlter Change Schedule
2-Pack Annual Filter's Change Annually For Alkaline RO
3-Pack Annual Filter's-Change Annually
Post/Polishing Filter-Every 2 Years
(Top Filter)
Alkaline Filter-Every 2-3 Years
3rd or iline sump
GRO 50 GPD Membrane-Every 3-5 Years
GRO 75 GPD Membrane-Every 3-5 Years
Generic 75 GPD Membrane-Every 3-5 Years
Generic 50 GPD Membrane-Every 3-5 Years
Reverse Osmosis Systems
for serious inquirers only
Hours: M-F 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
Saturday: 10:30 am to 3:30
Closed: Major Holidays